The Ninety Plus Estates are where the essence of the Ninety Plus brand experience lives. Located on the western slopes of the Barú volcano, these are the first and only places in the world where heirloom Ethiopian varieties of coffee are grown under full forest canopy at this scale. Like massive ecological parks with coffee growing as part of the forest community, these pristine playgrounds include trail networks which connect experiential moments ranging from waterfalls and precolumbian petroglyphs to giant trees, volcano views, and jaguar bathing pools.
Founder Joseph Brodsky partners with Guillermo Saint Malo Eleta (Eleta Family Investment Fund) to challenge and innovate the value chain in the coffee industry, matching coffee grown in the best conditions in the world with technology to develop natural processes that provide unique flavor profiles and amazing value to the end product. Joseph leads the innovation by pushing the boundaries of quality and processing. Guillermo, a seasoned entrepreneur leading the innovative investments in the region, joins Joseph in the vision to transform the industry and reset the boundaries of coffee production and retail in the world.
If you were to visit any coffee farm, in any coffee producing country in the world, you'd notice that generally, there is only one coffee botanical variety being grown in that farm, in other words, most coffee farms in the world are mono-varietal. Coffea diversa has developed a completely different approach, the coffee garden approach. This estate grows many different rare and exotic coffee botanical variants, it is in fact a multi-varietal farm. Most of the botanical variants grown here you would not find anywhere else in the world, Coffea diversa is the only place growing them commercially. In the traditional coffee industry the different taste profiles are generated by the different terroirs where coffee is grown, at Coffea diversa we have taken a different approach, we have the terroir factor fixed because we grow all our coffee in the same estate and the different coffee taste profiles we produce are generated by the difference in genetics of the many coffee botanical variants we grow. There is an untapped source of taste profiles given by coffee genetics in the form of the different rare and exotic botanical coffee variants. This source of taste profiles had not been available to the market until now. Coffea diversa has the largest private collection of coffee botanical variants in the world with more than 700 specimens so far. So, like in a conventional flower garden in which you find many types of plants producing many different types of flowers, at the Coffea diversa garden you will find many different types of rare coffee botanical variants, that's why it is said that Coffea diversa is not a coffee farm, it is a coffee garden.
Der Agronome Leonel ist der Besitzer eines seit mehreren Generationen bestehenden Familienunternehmens. Vor zehn Jahren haben sie mit dem Kaffeeanbau begonnen und seither ist Kaffee Leonels Passion und er ist immer mit der AeroPress unterwegs. Er lebt vor allem vom Anbau von Mais, der Herstellung von Honig und von der Viehwirtschaft. Auf seinem Land in den Bergen hat er 2012 mit einem Freund eine neue Kaffeesorte entwickelt, welche sehr geschmackvoll und resistent gegen Kaffeerost (roya del cafeto) ist. Die entstandene Kreuzung der Varietäten Cantimor und Pacamara wurde Catimargo genannt wird und später zu Café Elite L5 umbenannt.
Carlos baut in der Gemeinde La Unión Nariño die Sorten Colombia und Castillo an, er hat 2500 Kaffeebäume. Die Finca liegt 1810 M. ü. M. Er ist Kaffeebauersohn, hat drei Kinder und ist schon sein ganzes Leben Bauer. Er baut seinen Kaffee ökologisch an und ist Rainforest Alliance-zertifiziert von der Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia.
Der Kaffeebauer Mauro betreibt zusammen mit seinem Vater Rafael die Finca Las Barreras. Sie haben 3000 Bäume der Varietät Colombia, welche auf 1800 M. ü. M. wachsen. Die Finca ist Rainforest Alliance-zertifiziert von der Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia.